صنعت نفت ایران
دانش صنعت نفت

آشنایی با منطقه ویژه چابهار و مکران ۱۳۹۵/۳/۱۴

نام لاتین:1395-03-12- Iran’s Chabahr Region & Mokaran Petrochemical Hub

کد مطلب:EZ-003

Selection of Chabahar region as a future petrochemical hub by the Iranian Government, and taking advantage of the outstanding strategic position of that region were the main incentives for choosing the Free Trade-Industrial Zone of Chabahar as the location for Mokran Petrochemical Complex.
Accordingly, Negin Mokran Development Company (NMDC) was established and designated as master developer of the project; in effect taking the responsibility of creation and development of Iran’s third petrochemical hub. Covering an area of approximately 1,200 hectares, Mokran Petrochemical Complex consists of four urea-ammonia plants, four methanol-ammonia plants, four methanol plants, two olefin plants, one aromatics plant, one methanol-to-propylene plant and one crystal melamine plant plus three sections reserved for construction of additional plants and nine sections reserved for construction 

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